Live In Care is an attractive alternative to Residential Care Homes

It can avoid the disruptive upheaval involved in relocating to a suitable residential care home and having to adapt to the new and unfamiliar surroundings whilst sharing with several other residents.

Clarence Care can provide 24 hour live-in care services which offers several advantages over residential care homes; most notably the fact that you remain in your own home with familiar and relaxed surroundings and have your regular support network of friends and family nearby.

With a personalised and adaptive care plan from Clarence Care you could retain your independence and have more control over your care needs whilst receiving personalised one-to-one care. You have more flexibility over when family members can visit or can keep a pet at home; things that may be restricted in a residential care home setting.

Where possible our carers take their client on outings or to appointments, enabling them to enjoy more variety in their lives without changing their lifestyle. The family has peace of mind knowing that their loved ones are cared for 24 hours a day by an experienced carer who has been thoroughly vetted, referenced and suitably trained. Live care is an especially cost effective solution for couples.

Overall, our care offers significant cost savings, promotes independence and provides better quality of care compared to the spiralling costs of moving to a residential care homes.